Saturday, September 3, 2016

Research Design

I learned a lot about research design during the Research Methods course...I learned about designs and methods for qualitative research and quantitative research and lots more. I had lots of practice throughout the course. In my final proposal (signature assignment), I designed a mixed methods study on the performance and job satisfaction impacts of employee monitoring for hand hygiene compliance.

My final paper / signature assignment:

(also see my blog on completing the course:

Some resources on research design:

What is Research Design

Research Designs

Design and Data Quality

While working on a paper for the Research Methods course, I stumbled upon a journal article on the inaccuracies and errors that can occur because of survey design - similar issues I discussed in my article on UI design and data quality.

The article I found:

The Impact of Visual Design and Response Formats on Data Quality in a Web Survey of MOOC students

My article:

Improving Data Quality: User Interface Design and Functional Requirements

(also available at:

The paper I submitted for the Research Methods course:

Responses to Specific Questions on Survey Design

LinkedIn -
ResearchGate -